9 am to 11 am
東京にてWALK INインタビュー開催

【以下は募集要項抜粋です。(AirAsiaX 採用サイトより)】
AirAsia X is the world’s first truly long haul, low cost
carrier,It is an extension of AirAsia’s leading low cost carrier. AirAsi seeks
to deliver everyday low fares to traveler seeking to travel to destinations
greater than four hours flight time from Malaysian on larger Airbus fleets
A330,A340 & A350.
Registration 9 am to 11 am
Venue: Atto Business
Centre (ABC) SHIBUYA Address: 36-6 Udagawa-Cho, Shubuya-Ku, Tokyo-to,150-0042,
Japan Room No 302 & 304
Date: 5th Nov 2016
Job Description.
•Accountable to the aircraft commander.
•Responsible to carry out the
commander's instructions and assist him in the safe operation of the aircraft.
•Report any safety irregularities to the commander.
•Carry out pre-flight
duties including checking the safety equipments on-board, ensuring the interior
of the aircraft is clean, tidy and in an orderly manner.
•Educate passengers
on the aircraft's safety procedures.
•Attend to passenger's inquiries.
•Perform sales on duty-free goods, merchandises and food & beverages.
•Reassure passengers and ensure that they comply to safety procedures during
•Ensure passengers disembark safely at the end of the flight.
Complete the Job Application Form
•Up-most dated
•Original & Copy of Passport ( 1st page )
•Original & Copy of
highest qualification certificate
•TOEIC with 650 score valid within 2 years
•Full length body photo
•Head & Shoulder photoBenefits
remuneration packages which includes How to qualify for Bonus?
•Zero misconducts in the month.
•No late sign ONs ( more than
twice )
•60 Flying hours and above. ( for the month )Annual Leaves
Join us, you will have fun with our lovely Guests and Cabin Crew.

エアアジア コミュニティへ
Cabin Crew AirAsia x Japanese speaker募集

【以下は募集要項抜粋です。(AirAsia X採用サイトより)】
AirAsia X is the world’s first truly long haul, low cost carrier,It is an
extension of AirAsia’s leading low cost carrier. AirAsi seeks to deliver
everyday low fares to traveler seeking to travel to destinations greater than
four hours flight time from Malaysian on larger Airbus fleets A330,A340 & A350.
Job Description.
•Accountable to the aircraft
•Responsible to carry out the commander's instructions and assist
him in the safe operation of the aircraft.
•Report any safety irregularities
to the commander.
•Carry out pre-flight duties including checking the safety
equipments on-board, ensuring the interior of the aircraft is clean, tidy and in
an orderly manner.
•Educate passengers on the aircraft's safety procedures.
•Attend to passenger's inquiries.
•Perform sales on duty-free goods,
merchandises and food & beverages.
•Reassure passengers and ensure that they
comply to safety procedures during emergency.
•Ensure passengers disembark
safely at the end of the flight.
Complete the Job Application Form
Up-most dated resume
Original & Copy of Passport ( 1st page )
Original & Copy of highest qualification certificate
TOEIC with 650 score
valid within 2 years
Full length body photo
Head & Shoulder photo
Attractive remuneration packages which includes How
to qualify for Bonus
•Good attendance.
•Zero misconducts in the
•No late sign ONs ( more than twice )
•60 Flying hours and above. (
for the month ) Annual Leaves
Join us, you will have fun with our lovely Guests and Cabin Crew.
Submit to
us and we will invite you!

エアアジア コミュニティへ
最終選考の結果が発表 / メディカルチェックの案内が届きました。

◇ 書類選考の結果が発表になりました。
客室乗務員 募集
【以下は募集要項抜粋です。(AirAsiaThailan face bookより)】
Join us!
Japanese Cabin Crew Recruitment for Thai AirAsia X (based in Bangkok)
- Age between 20-32 years old (Date of birth since 1 January 1984)
- Fluent to communicate in English
- Japanese Nationality only
- University graduated
- TOEIC Score of at least 650 points with two years validity (Issued date after 1 June 2014)
- Healthy with excellent eyesight (Must wear contact lens only)
-Good appearance, poised, smart looking and well-groomed
- Service-minded, cheerful and passionate
To apply for this opportunity, please send your resume with current address and cover letter to
Email: taa_recruitment@airasia.com (apply available from Now – 5 June 2016)
*Interview Date will be informed later
エアアジア コミュニティへ